Rabu, 20 April 2011


I.Adjective and Adverbs
        1.Vanessa plays the violin well.
        2.The sun is shinning brightly.
        3.We don’t like to drink bitter.
        4.We must figure our income tax returns accurate.
        5.He had an accident because he was driving too fast.
        6.Your cold sounds terrible.
        7.The food in the restaurant alwayays tastes good.
        8.Michael was working diligently on the project.
        9.Our neighbors appeared relaxed after their vacation.
        10.The music sounded too noisy to be classical.

II.Comparison Degree
        1.Does fred fell better today than he did yesterday?
        2.The museums is the fartest away of the three buildings
        3.This painting is less impressive than the other one.
        4.Jim has as little opportunities to play tennis as I.
        5.Your heritage is different from mine.

III.Conditional Sentences
1.If he had decided earlier,he could have left on the afternoon   flight.
2.The teacher will not accept his work if he turns it in late.
3.If they had known him,they would have talked to him.
4.He would understand it if you explained it to him more slowly.
5.If your mother buys that car for you,will you be happy?

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